RPM FNMT: A New Approach to Acute & Chronic Pain


RPM Functional Neuromuscular Therapy is more than the name of the clinic. It is a new therapeutic approach to acute and chronic pain which combines embodied cognitive science with current neuromuscular massage therapy to provide a sensorimotor experience that integrates your musculoskeletal sensations into a singular feeling.


RPM FNMT (developed by Jim Moretz, PhD, LMBT) is designed to create measurable pain-relief in 4 to 6 weeks. Injuries are typically sudden and random. Healing requires time and intentionality. Be consistent. Be patient. Be determined. Be Better.

First, RPM FNMT assesses the health of specific joints and muscles with a variety of techniques (e.g., Strength tests, Range of Motion tests, Postural alignment tests, Balance tests, Gait tests, and palpation).

Second, RPM FNMT employs indirect and direct therapeutic modalities to support the body’s natural tendency towards homeostasis (your body’s natural and proper alignment).  Indirect modalities manipulate joints and soft tissue within the range of motion that is normal and easy for the client (e.g., stretch therapy, Passive Range of motion). Direct modalities begin at the restrictive barrier of the tissue, muscles, tendons, and joints, and move them beyond normal range (e.g., Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Deep Tissue Therapy, Trigger Point Release Therapy).



Third, RPM FNMT creates a highly developed therapist-client symbiosis by operating under three principles: 1) The therapist is dedicated to restoring pain-free movement by creating muscle tissue change in each session. 2) The client understands that lasting neuromuscular change is a cumulative result of multiple therapy sessions. 3) There will always be objective goals for measuring progress. Lack of progress is unacceptable.

Guarantee: RPM FNMT will create 3 experiences for every client: 1) Increased body awareness 2) Increased range of movement 3) Increased ability to relax muscles at will.


Despite the complexity and level of difficulty of many cases, RPM FNMT therapy has shown significant results over 4 to 6 weeks. Client’s often report joyful surprise at the results, frequently commenting, “You fixed me!” Click to read testimonials.




Trigger Point Release

A trigger point is a knot in the muscle that refers pain, itching, burning, even ticklishness, to other muscles. Often, this therapy relieves pain by working on areas which seem unrelated. Few people know that the major cause of trigger points is their daily activity, not physical trauma or stress.



Goniometers play a major role in objectively assessing joint mobility and setting therapeutic goals. Tight muscles can restrict joint movement, which, in turn, causes further tightening. We not only strive to return an injured joint to its normal range of motion, we make sure the relationship between symmetrical joints is relatively equal. This is significant for increasing strength.


Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

This modality stretches muscles beyond their current active range. Modalities include active resist and release, contract and release, and traction. Studies indicate that PNF twice per week can substantially improve athletic performance.


Deep Tissue

This modality focuses on specific joints and muscles to relieve pain, increase range of motion, improve structural alignment and balance. Muscles and connective tissues are lengthened, broadened, and separated with direct pressure and deep friction that breaks up intramuscular tissue adhesions. Contrary to popular belief, this massage is not painful.


Passive Stretch Therapy

Sometimes called “Lazy Man’s Yoga,” this modality gently and progressively stretches muscles to decrease contraction in inactive muscles and increase joint range of motion. It is highly effective in treating snapping hip, frozen shoulder, and improving athletic performance.


Kinesio Taping

Known mainly for its sports applications, Kinesio Taping has a wide range of applications from rehabilitative support to prenatal lumbar and lower abdominal support. Follow the blog for the latest news.